2022. 8. 16. 22:32ㆍEnglish
In 2018, I had the opportunity to take a lecture by Yoshinori Ohsumi. At the end of the lecture, he showed a slide called 'Message to Young People'. The content was quite impressive, so I decided to organize it here.
The japanese original text and its translation likes below.
Original text :
大隅良典の「若者へのメッセージ 」
1. 長い人類の歴史の中で自分の生きている時代を考えよう。
2. 権威や常識に囚われず、自分の興味抱いた疑問を大切にしよう。
3. 論文やあふれる情報からではなく、自然、現象から出発しよう。
4. 人と違うことを恐れずに、自分の道を見極めよう。
5. はやりを追うことはやめよう。競争だけが科学の原動力ではない。
6. 自分の眼で見て確かめ、小さな発見を大事にしよう。
7. ‟役に立つ”とは何かを考えよう。
8. 最初の疑問に繰り返し立ち返ろう。
9. 目の前の研究の先に何があるかを考えよう。
Translation :
Yoshinori Ohsumi's "Message to Young People."
1. Think of an era in which you live in the long history of mankind.
2. Don't be obsessed with authority and common sense, but cherish the questions you're interested in.
3. Let's start with nature and phenomenon, not with papers or overflowing information.
4. Don't be afraid of being different from others, just find and keep your way.
5. Stop chasing the trend. Competition is not the only engine of science.
6. Let's see and check with our own eyes, and cherish small discovery.
7. Think about what "helpful" is.
8. Come back to the question we had for the first time.
9. Let's think about what's in front of the research we're doing.
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